Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Create a Legacy Today
Support Your Community through Planned Giving
Planned Giving is a lasting and invaluable way to help Senior Support Services provide vital programs in your community.
While fulfilling your charitable goals by making a planned gift, you may realize significant tax benefits. Even a person of modest means can make a major contribution upon his or her death.

Lend your Legacy of Support & Commitment to the Community

Remember Senior Support Services in your estate and financial planning.
Designate your support to a specific program.

Talk to your financial advisor, accountant or lawyer to determine which option is the best for you.

Your gift will enrich the lives of seniors and disabled adults of Haldimand and Norfolk and support valuable programs and projects.

Planning Giving Is:

A gift that has tax advantages under current laws
Arranged now to provide funds in the future as you would like them distributed
A gift which the donor commmits to now but the charity does not receive until a later date, usually upon the donor's death
Beneficial to the community and the donor
Planned Giving Opportunities:
Life Insurance
Gifts of Stocks and Shares
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trust