H-NCSSS offers door-to-door transportation services for clients to attend adult day programs, medical appointments, rehabilitation sessions, errands, social programs, and more.
Transportation is provided by screened volunteers using their own vehicles. Additionally, H-NCSSS has a fleet of wheelchair-accessible vans operated by trained drivers to assist clients with limited mobility.
Local trips are provided for a flat in-town rate, while non-local destinations —such as Niagara, Hamilton, Toronto, and London— are charged by the kilometer.
Clients are encouraged to contact their local office well in advance to arrange transportation, as rides are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

Meals on Wheels is a service that delivers affordable, convenient, and well-balanced meals to individuals who find it challenging to prepare their own food. Clients include seniors, individuals with physical disabilities or cognitive impairments, and those living with an illness or recovering from a medical procedure.
H-NCSSS collaborates with long-term care facilities, hospitals, restaurants, and catering companies in the region that prepare and package the individual meals, which are then delivered to clients' homes by H-NCSSS volunteers. This delivery also serves as an informal wellness check, allowing volunteers to monitor clients' well-being, safety, and security.
Hot Meals on Wheels:
Hot meals are prepared fresh daily and delivered to clients' homes on weekdays during the lunch hour. The meals and meal providers vary depending on the client's location in Haldimand-Norfolk.
Frozen Meals on Wheels:
Nutritionally balanced frozen meals (entrees, soups, and desserts) that can be easily prepared in dual ovens or microwaves. Clients can order frozen meals individually or in cost-saving bulk packages. Frozen meals can be delivered by H-NCSSS volunteers or can be picked up at the local office.
*Meals can be tailored to accommodate various dietary needs.

Diner's Club is a monthly congregate dining program offered to H-NCSSS clients in many of the towns throughout Haldimand-Norfolk. This program offers the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal, along with entertainment and social connections!
*Transportation to and from the program can be arranged through H-NCSSS for an additional cost.

The Friendly Visiting program matches volunteers with clients who are living alone or are socially isolated.

Regular telephone contact with clients living alone to monitor their safety and well-being.
If a client does not answer the scheduled telephone call after repeated attempts, the volunteer will call the office and the Program Manager will follow up with the client’s emergency contact.
*This is a free service.

The H-NCSSS Adult Day Program (ADP) is for individuals living with disabilities, Aphasia, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, and related dementias. ADP provides client-centered activities to enhance the social, cognitive, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of clients.
H-NCSSS has Adult Day Program locations in Dunnville, Hagersville, and Simcoe that operate Monday – Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Each location offers both integrated and dementia specific programming and is staffed by a Recreational Therapist and Personal Support Worker.
Daily program schedule consists of:
- Morning refreshments
- Ability-based exercise program
- Morning session - group program
- Hot lunch
- Afternoon session - self-directed or group program
Admission Process:
- Referral to the Program can be made by anyone in the community, as well as Ontario Health atHome
- Suitability will be assessed by the Adult Day Program Manager prior to client admission into the program
*Transportation to and from the program can be arranged through H-NCSSS for an additional cost.

H-NCSSS offers Hospice Palliative Care Outreach (HPCO) programs to individuals who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, as well as support for their loved ones and caregivers.
The H-NCSSS Hospice Outreach Regional Coordinator is recognized by Hospice Palliative Care Ontario as a Regional Champion for Advance Care Planning for the Haldimand-Norfolk area.
The HPCO team of volunteers, led by the Hospice Outreach Regional Coordinator are experienced, compassionate, and flexible. Volunteers are all screened, trained, and educated in the fundamentals of palliative care.
Programs include:
- Care Planning and Consent
- Caregiver Support
- Volunteer Provided Respite
- Grief and Bereavement Support Groups
- safeTALK Suicide Alertness Training
Anyone, with permission from the individuals who will receive our support, can make a referral to our program. Referrals for HPCO services can come directly from potential clients, their families and friends, healthcare professionals, and Ontario Health atHome Case Coordinators.
Please fill out as much information as you can on the referral form. If you don’t have access to all of the information, the Hospice Outreach Regional Coordinator will collect the remaining required information from the referred client.
Here is a link to the standard referral form.
For more information on HPCO programs, please contact:
Julie Coulson, Hospice Outreach Regional Coordinator
519-426-6060 ext. 108
*Hospice and Palliative Care Outreach programs are free and confidential.

Safety at Home is a unique fall prevention program umbrellaed under 4 organizations serving Ontario Health atHome. This is a support service to help seniors maintain independence at home by offering a range of services including: free home safety assessments, safety recommendations, funding for assistive devices, fall prevention education, assistance with snow removal, and referrals to other support services and programs.
For more information on the Safety at Home program, please contact:
Cristy Major, Safety at Home Program Coordinator
519-428-2356 ext. 110